Saturday, August 9, 2014

You Can't Take It With You

How many times have you heard that you can’t take it with you? 

Usually this is coming from someone who is not wealthy speaking about the fact that money is not that important. Guess what!! Money is extremely important!! It is what pays your bills, keeps a roof over your head and food in your belly. Yet this is not the real point to my message today. I shall rant about this later and I look forward to it, but for now I shall stay with my current topic.

Most of you who read my posts are family and friends who know me well, or at least know me. If our relationship is up to date then you also know that I am not a man of great wealth (at the moment). I say this because I have come to realize that there are some who do not know me well who believe that I am wealthy because of a few things that I write about. I want to set this record straight and provide an understanding as to why I write about the things that I do.

So I am sure that everyone has heard the saying “You can’t take it with you”. This is usually associated with money or material objects. I want to change your perspective. The only way that people obtain wealth in the first place is by thinking a different way than most of the population thinks. This different way of thinking is the reason that there are a small percentage of wealthy people as opposed to everyone else. It is all in your mind and how you think. I know, this sounds like bullshit but it is simply the truth. This is the reason for self made millionaires. They did not inherit wealth, they created it.

Many people believe that the rich are greedy and cold hearted individuals who horde their wealth while everyone else suffers. This is not necessarily the truth. There are wealthy people like that, yet let me ask you many poor people do you know right now who are greedy and cold hearted? I can personally name them by the dozen. The truth is that the more money that you have, the more you are able to give. What most people don’t know is that the extremely wealthy actually give away more than most of us have ever made. You can not help others in need if you do not have anything yourself. So if we all have people that we love and care about, then we have a responsibility to gain all of the wealth that we can achieve. Only then can we make a difference.

The reason that some people have come to believe that I have more success than I actually have, is simply because of the things I write about. Those who know me personally know that I am not a wealthy man. I simply believe that it is an obligation and responsibility to spread knowledge to others. I spend up to 12 hours per day, 7 days per week studying from self made billionaires. It would be completely irresponsible of me to learn vital information that is not taught in our school systems or in our society and not pass this knowledge on to others. I come from a poor family so I hope that you will all benefit from my studies. You all see what is happening in our world, nation and our economy. It is time to change our mindset.

I am still in the learning mode, yet I am discovering things that I have not been taught in 44 years of life. I am absolutely set and focused on becoming wealthy because my family deserves it. They deserve better medical care, financial security, more time to pursue their own true lives, and I intend to give them this. I also intend to share what I learn with anyone who listens, every step of the way. Why? Because I can’t take it with me, and why would I want to? If Thomas Edison decided to use the light bulb for his own personal purposes instead of sharing with the rest of the world then perhaps we would all be blowing out our oil lamps tonight.

If I come off as someone who writes things that are easier said than done, then believe me, I have been at the very bottom of the barrel many times more than a lot of you and I completely know how it feels to want to shove the happy motivational words down someones throat (I kept that very civilized for the benefit of my softer readers). Those words are actually what needs to be circulating inside your brain if you want to change your circumstances. As long as you have negative thoughts, you will have a negative reality. All of you who know my past will understand that if I am saying this to you it is because I have learned that it is the truth.

The point to all of this is simple. If you possess knowledge or skill that can benefit anyone else then you have an obligation to share it. Why possess knowledge without using it to improve the lives of those you know and care about. Pass it on and let others build upon it or grow from it. You can not take it with you. Go get yours and share it with others so that they can go get theirs!!

Gregory S. Logan

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Change Happens

Change is never an easy thing. Most people do not handle it well because we all become comfortable in our routines and schedules, so when our lifestyle experiences a drastic change it can create a major disturbance in our emotional state. It can cause anger, frustration, disappointment, and if it is too much too fast it can even cause depression.

Change is something that we all encounter in our lives. Sometimes it is good even though we do not immediately perceive it as such. Whether the change in our life is good or bad, the main thing that we must focus on is that we are still in total control of our own lives and we can sit back and let circumstances destroy us, or we can adjust to the changes in a fashion that is suitable for us. We are all in control of our selves and we can (and should) make adjustments according to our own will.

Even a good change will be a cause for major adjustment. Every change causes a ripple effect in our lives. You can not make a change in your life without it effecting every other area of your life, be it good or bad is up to you. Always remember that you are in control! Your life is yours, your actions are based upon your own decisions, and your decisions will be based upon your ability to control your emotions. You must maintain a focus upon what it is that you truly desire for yourself in life and who you are, or you can become dis-oriented in a time of change and end up following a course of action that can send you straight into a pit of despair. You deserve better.

When you face a major change in life, sit back and evaluate your situation. Analyze what you are facing and how it effects the different parts of your life. For every part of your life that this change will effect, decide how you will make this work out to your benefit or at least to your acceptance. Take the circumstances and make them into something that you can accept, then make it happen. If you do this then you will take a devastating change and make it into something that you have decided upon. A change that is acceptable to you. This really works if you simply do it.

We all face change like it or not. Some of us will adapt and overcome. Some will be defeated and live in misery. I don’t know about all of you, but I do not like misery, and I will not accept defeat. Make your adjustments, stay focused, and go get yours!!


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Who Is Holding You Back?

Who is keeping you from getting ahead in life?
Who is keeping you from being promoted?
Who is keeping you from obtaining wealth and achieving your dreams?

You may not want to hear the answer, but here it is.........YOU!!
Stop blaming society, the government, or anyone else for you not achieving your desires. Your life is in your own hands.

No matter where you are today if you are truly driven to accomplish your lifes goals then you can absolutely do so. The first step in doing this is to stop blaming others and take responsibility for your own life.

No one is going to hand you your riches. You must take them by first being the very best at what you do. I don’t care if you clean toilets. Clean toilets better than anyone else and you will always have a job.

Those who show up for work and complain, do only as much as needed to get by, and watch the clock for quitting time will never succeed or get ahead in life. They will never see thier dreams. Never!!

Treat your job as your own business, because it is. Move to the top. The more value that you give to your management, the less likely you are to be laid off or outsourced.

If you make the company money then you become an asset that they will not want to let go.

As your wages increase be sure to live on the minimum while you pour the extra income into investing in yourself to become more valuable and knowledgable. When you are the expert at what you do, you become the mentor for others. Mentors get paid well because of their knowledge and ability to train others.

As your income increases, so should your investments. Invest in yourself first, but also invest in things that you are knowledgable about. Do not dive into the stock market if you do not understand it. Do not invest in construction company’s if you do not understand construction.

Invest only in things that you can understand or you will lose everything that you worked so hard to obtain. Do not be manipulated by stock brokers or so called professionals. If they were as wise as they think, they would not be working for you. Think about that!!

Invest in yourself. Do it over and over. The more you know about what you do, the more you become the expert. The expert is paid more than any other.

Most do not become the expert. Most do not study their occupation. Most do not know everything their is to know about their job. Most do not succeed.

Do you want to be like most people, or do you want to succeed and be the top of your field. The choice is yours and you can do it. Make the decision to do it!! 

Your life's desires and dreams are not for some one else to decide, they belong to you and to you alone. Step up and take control of your life. You can absolutely do this if you have the courage, desire, and willingness to put out the effort.

Stop bitching and go get yours!!


Friday, May 16, 2014

Comfort Zone

You need to push yourself beyond comfort, and when what is not comfortable for you becomes comfortable.....Push yourself further! 

Do you want to gain in life or remain average? Average is normal, and normal today is poverty. Who wants that? I been there, done that. 

If you want a better life for your family or yourself, then you need to keep pushing yourself. When you slack off and relax, your future suffers. You suffer. Your family suffers. 

Look at your loved ones, then push yourself beyond comfort. They are worth it! They depend upon you! You depend upon You! 

Respect yourself and respect your family. Push hard every day and go get yours!!


Thursday, May 15, 2014

What Are Your Goals?

What Do You Want?

You can have it if you want it. Maybe you don't want a boat, but you want something. What do you want? Do not limit yourself to your current situation. Decide what you want. Write it down. Post a picture or note to yourself where you will see it everyday, and focus on achieving your goal.

If you do not think about this stuff every day, then you will fail to pursue it every day. This goes back to my post on "Out of sight, out of mind."

If you want something, put it in front of you and never forget. You will not get it if you do not stay focused on it. You stay focused on it by keeping it in front of you every day. I suggest placing a photo of what you want on your bathroom mirror, or above your coffee pot. You need to see what you want to achieve every morning, otherwise "Out of sight, out of mind."

Do not do this to yourself. You can have what you want, no matter how unbelievable it may seem. The key to getting this is to remember, stay focused, and work toward this every day. If you truly want it, then you will get there. If you really don't care, then you do not need it anyway.

Go after what you want. If you want more for yourself or your family, then it is war. Commit to it and pursue it relentlessly. Even if you fall short of your goal, if your goal is large enough and you pursue it with a life or death commitment, you will end up with far more than you have today.

Stop wasting time wishing and wanting. Write down your goals, post them in your face every morning and go get it. Go get yours!!


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Maintain Your Focus

Stay focused people,

Out of sight, out of mind is great when it concerns something that you don’t want to deal with but what about your better life? What about your goals or dreams? Do you want to have a better lifestyle, more money, a nicer home, etc. Then you need this stuff on your mind everyday. If you only think about this stuff whenever you are having a down moment or when you see someone else who has these things, then you will never have them. If it is not in your sight, then it is not on your mind.

You must have your goals at the forefront of your mind every single day. You should have pictures, notes, or whatever in front of you at all times so that you remain focused on what you really want. Do not sell yourself short. I have written a check for $100,000.00 post dated for December 30, 2014. I have less than a year to make that check cashable. I will do it. It is posted above my coffee pot so I see it every morning before I start the day. It reminds me to stay focused and do things that day to bring me closer to that goal. Once I achieve it I will raise my goal, and I will achieve it.

That may sound simple and maybe even a bit silly, but it reminds me every day. It keeps my mind focused on working toward what I want. If you do not have something in front of you everyday to remind you of where you want to be, then everything that you want will be “Out of sight, out of mind”. If you allow that then you will be exactly where you are today twenty years from now, still wishing you had a better life.

Remember, if it is not in your sight, then it will not be on your mind. Take action and make it happen. Put it in your face and work on it everyday. It will not be handed to you, you must go out and take it. Period. Go get yours!


Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Old Way

Hey folks. This was the old way to prosperity. Get a good job and work hard. This was the way of my Grandpa and this is the way I was raised. It used to be the way. It used to be good advice. The world has changed. The economy has changed. YOU MUST NOW CHANGE!

The only way to rise above the tyranny of todays world is to start your own business, and avoid as many taxes as possible. A small business has many write offs that many do not know about. Working for someone else, you will pay high taxes, you will give the benefits of your work to someone else who probably will not appreciate what you do, and you face strong opposition when it comes to promotion.

The time to break free is now. You must control your own economy, your own destiny, and your future. Do not be enslaved. I am currently breaking free because I have never been a slave and never intend to be. When I have grown beyond this bondage I will pull my family out, and then many others. I hate oppression and am dedicated to destroying it. I will succeed or die fighting. Period.

Your future is in your hands. What we knew growing up has changed. Change with it or you will be left in the dust. It is a new world and if you do not adapt you will suffer. The old ways no longer work. You will not succeed in life working for others. You will receive a wage, get taxed on that wage, get taxed again on every purchase, and get a small return in the end which is supposed to make you happy because it is a cash return, even though you have been brutally raped on your earnings.

Listen up and change or you will wish you did later. You are told by every financial institution to save money. Think about that for a minute. The dollar is constantly dropping in value. Why do you want to save something that loses value every day. Invest your money people. Saving today is losing. Pay attention to the value of your money and you will begin to understand what I am saying. Make your money work for you. Never spend your available cash unless it makes a profit. Retirement is a scam. You must ensure your own retirement these days with a recurring residual income, otherwise the government will suck it up in true mafia fashion.

You all know this is true, so wake up. Do what you must do. Find a way. There is always a way if you are determined. I owe my soul to no one. These days you will break your back for 20 years and your employer will give you a watch. What a great return for a broken body and not seeing your children grow up. Do you get my point?? If you have a skill and the drive to push yourself in the market place then do it!!
Go get yours!!


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Internet Marketing

For anyone who is interested in the idea of internet marketing, let me give some insight before you begin spending your money. First of all, Internet marketing is not a scam. There are many internet marketing scams, but true internet marketing is not a scam. It is a real profession that requires knowledge and skill just like any other profession.

You can not pay $20 or $40 for brain surgeon training and begin operation tomorrow. The same holds true with internet marketing. This is simply the marketing profession applied online. If you do not have a knowledge of marketing and sales, then you can not expect to pay $20 to $40, or in some cases $1000.00, and expect to start making money. 

Think about this for a moment people. Do you really think that you can suddenly dive into a completely different field of occupation with absolutely no training or education and be a success? Get honest with yourself. This WILL NOT HAPPEN. Does this mean that Logan thinks that I can not make money on the internet? No! 

You really can make money on the internet. You really can become wealthy working on the internet. All I am saying is that you must first understand how to make money on the internet. Do you know SEO? Do you know PPC? Do you know what these are? Most people do not. Understand what you are getting into because most so called “opportunities” will not tell you, and if they do they will leave you confused because you will have zero help or guidance and it is an entirely new world in which you have just dived into. (unfortunately after paying a fee).

There are always the testimonials of the top earners. What you are not always told is that these top earners are highly skilled professionals at marketing. You will here that the whole system is set up for you. It is, but if you do not know how to market then it will do you no good.

I am not saying to stay away from internet marketing. I am saying that you need to learn the trade and do not let people convince you that you will make $5,000 in one week. This is possible, and many people make double that, however, they have learned the skill after years of trial and error. Can you take a few days of training and suddenly design the next Trump Towers? Absolutely not! Can you take a couple of days of training and preform open heart surgery? NO!! Can an accountant at a bank, for the first time walk out and successfully build a quality home? Hell no. So what makes you think that you can step into internet marketing today and have a $5000.00 check next week.

Internet marketing is a profession. A respectful profession that requires training and skill. Yes I do fully believe that one can make 5 to 10 thousand per day or more, but only if they have the skill and expertise. You must learn or you will not earn. I have been working on a degree in internet marketing for over a year and I learn more everyday. What I learned prior to the school is that you get training material that is confusing because you do not know what they mean, no support, no answered phone calls, no one cares because you have already signed up and that is all they wanted. This is why internet marketing gets a bad rap. Because people are scammed and left hanging. This is not true internet marketing folks. What this is, is bullshit.

You absolutely must learn the skill before jumping in. You can start while doing your regular occupation, but never leave your job with the hope you will receive quick riches. It will not happen. It takes work. It requires effort and dedication like any other new profession. Learn first, master the skill, then change careers. Otherwise you will suffer. Plain and simple.

If you have jumped off the deep end and got involved in this without any knowledge or training and suddenly found yourself in a desperate situation, then contact me at and I will work to help you fix the situation. No promises other than support and advice. Your actions will decide your fate, not my advice.

This is insight gained from study and experience. I do not intend this to hinder anyone from striving to succeed or from reaching out for a better lifestyle. I simply want to give warning against the unethical people who will take advantage of a hard situation and tantalize with quick wealth. You can create wealth online. You can make your dreams for a better life a reality, but you must simply learn the skill first. 

If you really want it then you will learn what you must. You will master the skill and achieve your goals. It really is possible. It is not a scam. Just know what you are doing people, learn the skill first, put it to work and then automate it, and you can work from anywhere in the world. The key is learning the skill first. Plain and simple. Enough said. Out there is a fortune waiting to be had. 
Be wise and go get yours!!


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

100% Commitment

Who do you love? What are your goals? What do you want in life?
Are you confused about any of these questions? Then you need to sit back and really evaluate your self. You will not succeed at your marriage, your career, or your life until you are completely committed to what you are doing. 

If you are not 100% committed then you will eventually fail. You may maintain for a while but you will without doubt eventually fail.

You must be 100% committed to your spouse or your marriage will fail. Eventually your lack of commitment will catch up to you and your unhappiness will create a failure.

You must be 100% committed to your career or eventually you will burn out and your lack of enthusiasm for your work will create failure.

You must be 100% committed to your life. This includes career, spouse, and personal desires. What do you want in life? What are your goals? If you do not know then you are in jeopardy of crashing and burning. 

Make up your mind. Make goals and a path of achieving them. Without a plan you are simply blowing with the wind. What does the wind do? Sometimes it blows strong, sometimes it does not blow at all. Is this what you want your life to be like? Sometimes strong, other times nothing. Who wants periods of nothing? Nobody who has a rational mind. You must take control. 

If you are already in a bad situation then you must improve it or leave it. If you must improve a bad situation then contact me at and I will work with you on fixing the situation. 

Life never ends until you stop breathing. Your dreams are realities that wait on you.
Make them happen. Go get yours!!


Monday, March 24, 2014

The Effects Of Stupid People

I want to point out something about the people we all face and deal with every day. Look people, we all know there are negative and stupid people in the world. We encounter them every day. My point is that no matter how badly these people upset you, if you allow them to affect your mindset then you are allowing those negative or stupid people to control you. You are basically being a slave to them.

Shake that stuff off. Do not allow stupid people to effect your entire day. Deal with them then move on. If you must go and take an hour or so to play music, pace the floor, drink scotch, whatever. You must get their negative and stupid effluence out of your mind and system as quickly as possible and move on. If you do not do this then they are controlling your day. If they control your day, they destroy any positive growth that you can achieve toward improving your future.

I do not know about you all, but I refuse to allow a moron to control or influence my future prosperity. When you allow someone to affect your mood or your mindset, then you are allowing them to control your future and destroy it. When you are feeling good and in a great mood, you are more creative and energetic. You get more done and feel good about all of your daily accomplishments. This is the path to prosperity. 

When you allow people to upset that positive flow in your day, they are actually destroying your possibilities. Are these people worth sacrificing your future? Do they even matter at all? They are nothing to you. They do not care about you or your family or future. Why give them the satisfaction of wrecking your day. Each day that is wrecked by this type of people ads up to a wrecked life simply because you allowed them to effect your mindset.

I realize that this may sound extremely odd coming from me for every one who has known me and my past, but I can really tell you that I have a completely new mindset and I will never allow anyone, especially a stupid, negative individual to control my day, my life, or my mind.

Understand that they are stupid. That they do not understand how they stand in their own way of achieving a better life, and never allow them to stand in the way of yours. Deal with them at the moment, and move on. If you let them ruin your day then you have given them control of your life. Never do that. They are not worth it, your future is yours and they are nothing in your future. Blow it off and go get yours!!



Prosperity is our responsibility. 
No one owes you anything. Take ownership of your life. Money is not evil, evil people are evil with or without money. The more wealth that one has, the better security their family has, and the more they can benefit others who are in need. 

Never allow anyone to convince you that pursuing wealth is somehow wrong or greedy. Many times I have heard that money does not buy happiness. Does the lack of money bring happiness? Poverty has never given happiness or peace of mind to anyone. Poverty brings misery and lack of ability to be a blessing to anyone. 

Success is the only way to break free from slavery and control. Whatever you are currently doing, be the absolute best at it. Master whatever you do. Be the expert, the one everyone wants to learn from and duplicate. There is no one on the planet who is the expert in their field that is not wealthy and able to benefit everyone they encounter. 

Stop it with the idea that being rich is wrong. There is enough money in the world to make every single person a millionaire. Drop the poverty mindset and go get yours.


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Who Controls You?

How many times have you heard or been told that you are too old to do something. Let me tell you all something about age. If you believe that you have reached an age that keeps you from pursuing anything that life has to offer, then you may as well simply pass off your belongings and die.

This may offend some people but the fact of the matter is that you are not too old for anything unless you yourself decide so.

My Grandmother used to comment to me about things that she thought would be fun, and when asked why she did not do them, she said she was too old. It was not a factor of whether or not she could physically perform the activity, it was simply a mental decision that she was too old to do it. She missed out on a lot of life experiences because she believed that her age limited her.

I am 44 and I live my life today the same as I did when I was 20. I have absolutely no barriers or restraints. Age is not a limitation, your negative mind is. I will never withhold myself from any activity until the day that I die, and I do not even plan on dying.

The day you believe you are done, you are done. You may as well lay down in a box. Otherwise do what you want to do, follow whatever dreams you have. You are not finished until you stop breathing.

You will never succeed at anything if you place limitations on yourself. You should also never allow others to limit you. Be careful who you spend your time with. If they do not support you, then get away from them before they crush your goals.

What do you want out of life? Have you achieved it yet? Are you still pursuing it? If not, then why not? Has someone convinced you too stop? Have you stopped yourself?

Pick yourself up and get busy! Your life belongs to you and no one else. If you are alive and you have a dream then get busy making it happen. Go get yours!!



Nothing is fair. Fair is short for fairy tale.
Stop whining, stop making excuses, stop being a little bitch.
Fair does not exist, you make your own reality.
Create your life by making decisions that will benefit your future. You maynot see a result today, but you will begin seeing results later if you begin today.
Everything you do today is an investment in tomorrow. Good or bad, you will reap what you sow.
No one will hand you your dreams, you have to work toward them, persist with them, demand that they become real, and never give up.
Giving up is why 98% of the population is broke and enslaved.
How many people do you know places money into 401k plans for their retirement yet give up quickly on their dreams because they are not seeing immediate results.
Do the math on your retirement plan. Will it support you? For how long? What quality of life do you want when you retire?
How many retired people do you see working because they can not afford to live? I see them every day. I will not settle for this. I will not work at Wal Mart when I am 70 years old.
Prices rise and money loses value. Saving money is not the answer. Think about this today or you will suffer tomorrow.
Your today is the biggest investment you will ever make. Feed it what it needs to produce what you want later. Do not give up today or you will never have what you want later.
Stay focused on the long haul. What did you give up on 5 or 10 years ago that may have made you happier today if you had not quit then?
Fair is what you make happen for yourself, nothing more.
I do not have all the answers, but I will not sit back and hope that it all works out. I will make sure that it all works out by doing whatever it takes today to ensure that I have what I want in the future.
Life is not fair. If you are old enough to read this, then you already understand that this is true.
Create your own reality.
Go get yours.