Saturday, March 22, 2014


Nothing is fair. Fair is short for fairy tale.
Stop whining, stop making excuses, stop being a little bitch.
Fair does not exist, you make your own reality.
Create your life by making decisions that will benefit your future. You maynot see a result today, but you will begin seeing results later if you begin today.
Everything you do today is an investment in tomorrow. Good or bad, you will reap what you sow.
No one will hand you your dreams, you have to work toward them, persist with them, demand that they become real, and never give up.
Giving up is why 98% of the population is broke and enslaved.
How many people do you know places money into 401k plans for their retirement yet give up quickly on their dreams because they are not seeing immediate results.
Do the math on your retirement plan. Will it support you? For how long? What quality of life do you want when you retire?
How many retired people do you see working because they can not afford to live? I see them every day. I will not settle for this. I will not work at Wal Mart when I am 70 years old.
Prices rise and money loses value. Saving money is not the answer. Think about this today or you will suffer tomorrow.
Your today is the biggest investment you will ever make. Feed it what it needs to produce what you want later. Do not give up today or you will never have what you want later.
Stay focused on the long haul. What did you give up on 5 or 10 years ago that may have made you happier today if you had not quit then?
Fair is what you make happen for yourself, nothing more.
I do not have all the answers, but I will not sit back and hope that it all works out. I will make sure that it all works out by doing whatever it takes today to ensure that I have what I want in the future.
Life is not fair. If you are old enough to read this, then you already understand that this is true.
Create your own reality.
Go get yours.

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