Monday, March 24, 2014

The Effects Of Stupid People

I want to point out something about the people we all face and deal with every day. Look people, we all know there are negative and stupid people in the world. We encounter them every day. My point is that no matter how badly these people upset you, if you allow them to affect your mindset then you are allowing those negative or stupid people to control you. You are basically being a slave to them.

Shake that stuff off. Do not allow stupid people to effect your entire day. Deal with them then move on. If you must go and take an hour or so to play music, pace the floor, drink scotch, whatever. You must get their negative and stupid effluence out of your mind and system as quickly as possible and move on. If you do not do this then they are controlling your day. If they control your day, they destroy any positive growth that you can achieve toward improving your future.

I do not know about you all, but I refuse to allow a moron to control or influence my future prosperity. When you allow someone to affect your mood or your mindset, then you are allowing them to control your future and destroy it. When you are feeling good and in a great mood, you are more creative and energetic. You get more done and feel good about all of your daily accomplishments. This is the path to prosperity. 

When you allow people to upset that positive flow in your day, they are actually destroying your possibilities. Are these people worth sacrificing your future? Do they even matter at all? They are nothing to you. They do not care about you or your family or future. Why give them the satisfaction of wrecking your day. Each day that is wrecked by this type of people ads up to a wrecked life simply because you allowed them to effect your mindset.

I realize that this may sound extremely odd coming from me for every one who has known me and my past, but I can really tell you that I have a completely new mindset and I will never allow anyone, especially a stupid, negative individual to control my day, my life, or my mind.

Understand that they are stupid. That they do not understand how they stand in their own way of achieving a better life, and never allow them to stand in the way of yours. Deal with them at the moment, and move on. If you let them ruin your day then you have given them control of your life. Never do that. They are not worth it, your future is yours and they are nothing in your future. Blow it off and go get yours!!


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