Thursday, March 27, 2014

Internet Marketing

For anyone who is interested in the idea of internet marketing, let me give some insight before you begin spending your money. First of all, Internet marketing is not a scam. There are many internet marketing scams, but true internet marketing is not a scam. It is a real profession that requires knowledge and skill just like any other profession.

You can not pay $20 or $40 for brain surgeon training and begin operation tomorrow. The same holds true with internet marketing. This is simply the marketing profession applied online. If you do not have a knowledge of marketing and sales, then you can not expect to pay $20 to $40, or in some cases $1000.00, and expect to start making money. 

Think about this for a moment people. Do you really think that you can suddenly dive into a completely different field of occupation with absolutely no training or education and be a success? Get honest with yourself. This WILL NOT HAPPEN. Does this mean that Logan thinks that I can not make money on the internet? No! 

You really can make money on the internet. You really can become wealthy working on the internet. All I am saying is that you must first understand how to make money on the internet. Do you know SEO? Do you know PPC? Do you know what these are? Most people do not. Understand what you are getting into because most so called “opportunities” will not tell you, and if they do they will leave you confused because you will have zero help or guidance and it is an entirely new world in which you have just dived into. (unfortunately after paying a fee).

There are always the testimonials of the top earners. What you are not always told is that these top earners are highly skilled professionals at marketing. You will here that the whole system is set up for you. It is, but if you do not know how to market then it will do you no good.

I am not saying to stay away from internet marketing. I am saying that you need to learn the trade and do not let people convince you that you will make $5,000 in one week. This is possible, and many people make double that, however, they have learned the skill after years of trial and error. Can you take a few days of training and suddenly design the next Trump Towers? Absolutely not! Can you take a couple of days of training and preform open heart surgery? NO!! Can an accountant at a bank, for the first time walk out and successfully build a quality home? Hell no. So what makes you think that you can step into internet marketing today and have a $5000.00 check next week.

Internet marketing is a profession. A respectful profession that requires training and skill. Yes I do fully believe that one can make 5 to 10 thousand per day or more, but only if they have the skill and expertise. You must learn or you will not earn. I have been working on a degree in internet marketing for over a year and I learn more everyday. What I learned prior to the school is that you get training material that is confusing because you do not know what they mean, no support, no answered phone calls, no one cares because you have already signed up and that is all they wanted. This is why internet marketing gets a bad rap. Because people are scammed and left hanging. This is not true internet marketing folks. What this is, is bullshit.

You absolutely must learn the skill before jumping in. You can start while doing your regular occupation, but never leave your job with the hope you will receive quick riches. It will not happen. It takes work. It requires effort and dedication like any other new profession. Learn first, master the skill, then change careers. Otherwise you will suffer. Plain and simple.

If you have jumped off the deep end and got involved in this without any knowledge or training and suddenly found yourself in a desperate situation, then contact me at and I will work to help you fix the situation. No promises other than support and advice. Your actions will decide your fate, not my advice.

This is insight gained from study and experience. I do not intend this to hinder anyone from striving to succeed or from reaching out for a better lifestyle. I simply want to give warning against the unethical people who will take advantage of a hard situation and tantalize with quick wealth. You can create wealth online. You can make your dreams for a better life a reality, but you must simply learn the skill first. 

If you really want it then you will learn what you must. You will master the skill and achieve your goals. It really is possible. It is not a scam. Just know what you are doing people, learn the skill first, put it to work and then automate it, and you can work from anywhere in the world. The key is learning the skill first. Plain and simple. Enough said. Out there is a fortune waiting to be had. 
Be wise and go get yours!!


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