Saturday, August 9, 2014

You Can't Take It With You

How many times have you heard that you can’t take it with you? 

Usually this is coming from someone who is not wealthy speaking about the fact that money is not that important. Guess what!! Money is extremely important!! It is what pays your bills, keeps a roof over your head and food in your belly. Yet this is not the real point to my message today. I shall rant about this later and I look forward to it, but for now I shall stay with my current topic.

Most of you who read my posts are family and friends who know me well, or at least know me. If our relationship is up to date then you also know that I am not a man of great wealth (at the moment). I say this because I have come to realize that there are some who do not know me well who believe that I am wealthy because of a few things that I write about. I want to set this record straight and provide an understanding as to why I write about the things that I do.

So I am sure that everyone has heard the saying “You can’t take it with you”. This is usually associated with money or material objects. I want to change your perspective. The only way that people obtain wealth in the first place is by thinking a different way than most of the population thinks. This different way of thinking is the reason that there are a small percentage of wealthy people as opposed to everyone else. It is all in your mind and how you think. I know, this sounds like bullshit but it is simply the truth. This is the reason for self made millionaires. They did not inherit wealth, they created it.

Many people believe that the rich are greedy and cold hearted individuals who horde their wealth while everyone else suffers. This is not necessarily the truth. There are wealthy people like that, yet let me ask you many poor people do you know right now who are greedy and cold hearted? I can personally name them by the dozen. The truth is that the more money that you have, the more you are able to give. What most people don’t know is that the extremely wealthy actually give away more than most of us have ever made. You can not help others in need if you do not have anything yourself. So if we all have people that we love and care about, then we have a responsibility to gain all of the wealth that we can achieve. Only then can we make a difference.

The reason that some people have come to believe that I have more success than I actually have, is simply because of the things I write about. Those who know me personally know that I am not a wealthy man. I simply believe that it is an obligation and responsibility to spread knowledge to others. I spend up to 12 hours per day, 7 days per week studying from self made billionaires. It would be completely irresponsible of me to learn vital information that is not taught in our school systems or in our society and not pass this knowledge on to others. I come from a poor family so I hope that you will all benefit from my studies. You all see what is happening in our world, nation and our economy. It is time to change our mindset.

I am still in the learning mode, yet I am discovering things that I have not been taught in 44 years of life. I am absolutely set and focused on becoming wealthy because my family deserves it. They deserve better medical care, financial security, more time to pursue their own true lives, and I intend to give them this. I also intend to share what I learn with anyone who listens, every step of the way. Why? Because I can’t take it with me, and why would I want to? If Thomas Edison decided to use the light bulb for his own personal purposes instead of sharing with the rest of the world then perhaps we would all be blowing out our oil lamps tonight.

If I come off as someone who writes things that are easier said than done, then believe me, I have been at the very bottom of the barrel many times more than a lot of you and I completely know how it feels to want to shove the happy motivational words down someones throat (I kept that very civilized for the benefit of my softer readers). Those words are actually what needs to be circulating inside your brain if you want to change your circumstances. As long as you have negative thoughts, you will have a negative reality. All of you who know my past will understand that if I am saying this to you it is because I have learned that it is the truth.

The point to all of this is simple. If you possess knowledge or skill that can benefit anyone else then you have an obligation to share it. Why possess knowledge without using it to improve the lives of those you know and care about. Pass it on and let others build upon it or grow from it. You can not take it with you. Go get yours and share it with others so that they can go get theirs!!

Gregory S. Logan

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Change Happens

Change is never an easy thing. Most people do not handle it well because we all become comfortable in our routines and schedules, so when our lifestyle experiences a drastic change it can create a major disturbance in our emotional state. It can cause anger, frustration, disappointment, and if it is too much too fast it can even cause depression.

Change is something that we all encounter in our lives. Sometimes it is good even though we do not immediately perceive it as such. Whether the change in our life is good or bad, the main thing that we must focus on is that we are still in total control of our own lives and we can sit back and let circumstances destroy us, or we can adjust to the changes in a fashion that is suitable for us. We are all in control of our selves and we can (and should) make adjustments according to our own will.

Even a good change will be a cause for major adjustment. Every change causes a ripple effect in our lives. You can not make a change in your life without it effecting every other area of your life, be it good or bad is up to you. Always remember that you are in control! Your life is yours, your actions are based upon your own decisions, and your decisions will be based upon your ability to control your emotions. You must maintain a focus upon what it is that you truly desire for yourself in life and who you are, or you can become dis-oriented in a time of change and end up following a course of action that can send you straight into a pit of despair. You deserve better.

When you face a major change in life, sit back and evaluate your situation. Analyze what you are facing and how it effects the different parts of your life. For every part of your life that this change will effect, decide how you will make this work out to your benefit or at least to your acceptance. Take the circumstances and make them into something that you can accept, then make it happen. If you do this then you will take a devastating change and make it into something that you have decided upon. A change that is acceptable to you. This really works if you simply do it.

We all face change like it or not. Some of us will adapt and overcome. Some will be defeated and live in misery. I don’t know about all of you, but I do not like misery, and I will not accept defeat. Make your adjustments, stay focused, and go get yours!!
