Saturday, June 7, 2014

Who Is Holding You Back?

Who is keeping you from getting ahead in life?
Who is keeping you from being promoted?
Who is keeping you from obtaining wealth and achieving your dreams?

You may not want to hear the answer, but here it is.........YOU!!
Stop blaming society, the government, or anyone else for you not achieving your desires. Your life is in your own hands.

No matter where you are today if you are truly driven to accomplish your lifes goals then you can absolutely do so. The first step in doing this is to stop blaming others and take responsibility for your own life.

No one is going to hand you your riches. You must take them by first being the very best at what you do. I don’t care if you clean toilets. Clean toilets better than anyone else and you will always have a job.

Those who show up for work and complain, do only as much as needed to get by, and watch the clock for quitting time will never succeed or get ahead in life. They will never see thier dreams. Never!!

Treat your job as your own business, because it is. Move to the top. The more value that you give to your management, the less likely you are to be laid off or outsourced.

If you make the company money then you become an asset that they will not want to let go.

As your wages increase be sure to live on the minimum while you pour the extra income into investing in yourself to become more valuable and knowledgable. When you are the expert at what you do, you become the mentor for others. Mentors get paid well because of their knowledge and ability to train others.

As your income increases, so should your investments. Invest in yourself first, but also invest in things that you are knowledgable about. Do not dive into the stock market if you do not understand it. Do not invest in construction company’s if you do not understand construction.

Invest only in things that you can understand or you will lose everything that you worked so hard to obtain. Do not be manipulated by stock brokers or so called professionals. If they were as wise as they think, they would not be working for you. Think about that!!

Invest in yourself. Do it over and over. The more you know about what you do, the more you become the expert. The expert is paid more than any other.

Most do not become the expert. Most do not study their occupation. Most do not know everything their is to know about their job. Most do not succeed.

Do you want to be like most people, or do you want to succeed and be the top of your field. The choice is yours and you can do it. Make the decision to do it!! 

Your life's desires and dreams are not for some one else to decide, they belong to you and to you alone. Step up and take control of your life. You can absolutely do this if you have the courage, desire, and willingness to put out the effort.

Stop bitching and go get yours!!
