Friday, May 16, 2014

Comfort Zone

You need to push yourself beyond comfort, and when what is not comfortable for you becomes comfortable.....Push yourself further! 

Do you want to gain in life or remain average? Average is normal, and normal today is poverty. Who wants that? I been there, done that. 

If you want a better life for your family or yourself, then you need to keep pushing yourself. When you slack off and relax, your future suffers. You suffer. Your family suffers. 

Look at your loved ones, then push yourself beyond comfort. They are worth it! They depend upon you! You depend upon You! 

Respect yourself and respect your family. Push hard every day and go get yours!!


Thursday, May 15, 2014

What Are Your Goals?

What Do You Want?

You can have it if you want it. Maybe you don't want a boat, but you want something. What do you want? Do not limit yourself to your current situation. Decide what you want. Write it down. Post a picture or note to yourself where you will see it everyday, and focus on achieving your goal.

If you do not think about this stuff every day, then you will fail to pursue it every day. This goes back to my post on "Out of sight, out of mind."

If you want something, put it in front of you and never forget. You will not get it if you do not stay focused on it. You stay focused on it by keeping it in front of you every day. I suggest placing a photo of what you want on your bathroom mirror, or above your coffee pot. You need to see what you want to achieve every morning, otherwise "Out of sight, out of mind."

Do not do this to yourself. You can have what you want, no matter how unbelievable it may seem. The key to getting this is to remember, stay focused, and work toward this every day. If you truly want it, then you will get there. If you really don't care, then you do not need it anyway.

Go after what you want. If you want more for yourself or your family, then it is war. Commit to it and pursue it relentlessly. Even if you fall short of your goal, if your goal is large enough and you pursue it with a life or death commitment, you will end up with far more than you have today.

Stop wasting time wishing and wanting. Write down your goals, post them in your face every morning and go get it. Go get yours!!


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Maintain Your Focus

Stay focused people,

Out of sight, out of mind is great when it concerns something that you don’t want to deal with but what about your better life? What about your goals or dreams? Do you want to have a better lifestyle, more money, a nicer home, etc. Then you need this stuff on your mind everyday. If you only think about this stuff whenever you are having a down moment or when you see someone else who has these things, then you will never have them. If it is not in your sight, then it is not on your mind.

You must have your goals at the forefront of your mind every single day. You should have pictures, notes, or whatever in front of you at all times so that you remain focused on what you really want. Do not sell yourself short. I have written a check for $100,000.00 post dated for December 30, 2014. I have less than a year to make that check cashable. I will do it. It is posted above my coffee pot so I see it every morning before I start the day. It reminds me to stay focused and do things that day to bring me closer to that goal. Once I achieve it I will raise my goal, and I will achieve it.

That may sound simple and maybe even a bit silly, but it reminds me every day. It keeps my mind focused on working toward what I want. If you do not have something in front of you everyday to remind you of where you want to be, then everything that you want will be “Out of sight, out of mind”. If you allow that then you will be exactly where you are today twenty years from now, still wishing you had a better life.

Remember, if it is not in your sight, then it will not be on your mind. Take action and make it happen. Put it in your face and work on it everyday. It will not be handed to you, you must go out and take it. Period. Go get yours!
